After harvest, destemming and soft pressing, vinification starts with traditional submerged cap maceration for about 20 days, until sugar exhaustion. During the winter following the harvest, some rackings are performed before settling the wine in medium sized oak casks (15 hl) and subsequently in tonneaux (450 litres), where it rests for at least 4 years.
18-20° C.
Virasa Vejia is an excellent match to red meat, game and seasoned cheese.
After harvest, destemming and soft pressing, vinification starts with traditional submerged cap maceration for about 20 days, until sugar exhaustion. During the winter following the harvest, some rackings are performed before settling the wine in medium sized oak casks (15 hl) and subsequently in tonneaux (450 litres), where it rests for at least 4 years.
18-20° C.
Virasa Vejia is an excellent match to red meat, game and seasoned cheese.
FEASR Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale: L’Europa investe nelle zone rurali
La nostra azienda aderisce alla Misura 10.1.1 del PSR 2014-2020 della Regione Piemonte che finanzia la realizzazione delle tecniche di agricoltura integrata. La Misura 10.1.1 prevede il rispetto delle norme tecniche che regolamentano i trattamenti fitosanitari e le concimazioni dei nostri vigneti e terreni in conduzione. Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 Misura 10 - Pagamenti Agro-climatico Ambientali Sottomisura - 10.1.1 Produzione integrata Adesione alle tecniche di Produzione integrata